If you’ve got a computer that’s turning on but your computer won’t load Windows, we can help! The most likely cause of this is corrupt system files, a virus, or a damaged hard drive. Our techs can check out your computer and determine WHY it won’t boot into Windows. We can attempt to fix Windows or repair Windows if it’s possible. Even if your computer needs a Windows reinstall, we can save your data! Some common symptoms include:
Windows goes into Startup Repair – If your computer is stuck in a startup repair loop, we can help!
Computer Blue Screens – If you’re getting blue screens every time your computer starts, it may need a reinstall. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered
Blinking Cursor – Does your computer turn on, but just gives you a blinking cursor? This happens more often than you’d think but our techs can fix this.
If Windows crashes, you could experience any or all of the problems listed above! We offer free estimates though, so bring the computer in and we’ll figure out why it’s not booting into Windows and give you a free quote!